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(estosterone blend (30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone isohexanoate, 100 mg testosterone hexanoate)) 5 ampules x 1ml, 250mg/ml
Product: Omnadren 250mg
Active substance: estosterone blend (30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone isohexanoate, 100 mg testosterone hexanoate)
Packaging: 5 ampules x 1ml, 250mg/ml
Volume: 5 amps (total 1250 mg)
Price: $8.10 (€7.18)
Omnadren 250 Jelfa
Omnadren 250 Jelfa
Omnadren 250
Substance: testosterone blend (30 mg testosterone propionate, 60 mg testosterone phenylpropionate, 60 mg testosterone isohexanoate, 100 mg testosterone hexanoate)
Delivery: 1 ml amp (250 mg/amp)
Manufacturer: Poland, Jelfa

Omnadren is a four-component testosterone. The four different substances work together in such a timely manner that Omnadren remains in the body for a long time. For this reason many compare Omnadren to Sustanon 250. This comparison, however, is quite poor since, in part, there are large differences between the two compounds. Although both are "four-component testosterones" the individual substances of Omnadren and Sustanon are not completely identical. Both include testosterone phenylpropionate and testosterone propionate; however, the testosterone isocaproate in Sustanon is replaced by testosterone isohexanoate and the testosterone decanoate in Omnadren is replaced by testosterone hexanoate in Sustanon (see also Sustanon). In bodybuilding and powerlifting Omnadren is exclusively used to build up strength and mass. The term "mass buildup" can be taken quite literally by the reader since the gain is not always the way expected by its user. In most athletes Omnadren leads to quite a rapid and pronounced increase in body weight, which usually goes hand in hand with a strong water retention. This results in watery and puffy muscles. Those who take "Omna" can often be recognized by this extreme water retention. The often-used term in Europe, "Omna skull," does not come from nowhere but because a fast and well-visible water retention occurs also in the face which is noticeable on checks, on the front of the face, and under the eyes. Some mockingly also talk about a hydrocephalus... The pronounced androgenic component of Omnadren goes hand in hand with a high anabolic effect which manifests itself in a high strength gain characterized by a liquid accumulation in the joints, an increased pump effect, increased appetite, and a possible improved regeneration of the athlete.
Since Omnadren easily aromatizes, the intake of antiestrogens is suggested. This can also help reduce some of the water retention. Although Omnadren has a duration effect of a good 2-3 weeks it is usually injected at least once a week. As for the dosage there is rarely an injectable steroid with a wide spectrum such as Omnadren's. The span reaches from athletes who inject one 250 mg injection every two weeks to extremes who use eight "Omnas" a day (2000 mg/day). The reason is the low price of the compound. It therefore offers an economic alternative to the expensive Sustanon, Testosterone enanthate and -propionate; that explains why some take it in these exaggerated dosages. An acceptable and, for most, sufficient dosage is 250-1000mg/week. Omnadren is often combined with Dianabol, Androlic-50, and Deca-Durabolin which accelerates the gain in strength, mass, and water retention. The gains achieved with Omnadren, as is the case with Testosterone, for the most part, usually subside very quickly after use of the compound i~ discontinued.
The side effects of Omnadren are similar to those of other testosterone compounds. Next to the high water retention other negative effects that are noticed are a sometimes strong acne and a distinctly increased aggressiveness in some users. An aggressive behavior can mostly be explained by the fact that athletes simply use too high a dosage of Omnadren and too low a dosage of the other (and more expensive) testosterones. The very severe acne, however, is only caused by Omnadren. Often no purulent pustules but many small pimples appear so that the athlete looks as if he has an allergy. This is not intended to discourage anyone but it is a fact that many athletes after a brief time develop an acne on their lower arm, upper arm, shoulder, chest, back, and also in their face which, during an earlier intake of Sustanon or Testosterone enanthate, did not manifest itself.
Women should not use Omnadren under any circumstances. Another problem that should be considered is that possible impurities in the injection liquid cannot be excluded since the quality standards in Eastern European countries are not as high as in Western Europe and in the U.S. Thus it is possible that a 100% sterility and pureness does not exist. This could also be the reason for the unusually strong acne. Original Omnadren is offered by the manufacturer in a strength of 250 mg/ml ampule.  

by Bill Roberts - This preparation is quite similar to Sustanon, and is different only in that 100 mg/mL of it (of 250 mg/mL total) is testosterone hexanoate instead of the testosterone decanoate used in Sustanon. For this reason, Omnadren has a shorter half life, and will give a faster initial increase in blood level. This accounts for the claim of increased water retention and increased side effects, since levels, at first, are higher for the same dosage.

The claim that Omnadren has a duration effect of "a good 2-3 weeks" is somewhat misleading since the half life of the longest lived component is only about 5 days. There is of course some effect 2 or 3 weeks after injection, but relatively little.

The hexanoate ester is quite similar to the well known enanthate ester, but is shorter by one carbon.

The isohexanoate ester in Omnadren is the same, only named differently, as the isocaproate ester in Sustanon. Thus, the hexanoate vs. decanoate difference is the only difference in the mixture of esters.

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